Mission & Vision
N’COBRA PHL’s mission is to establish a reparations commission at the hyper-local level to support the redress and recompenses of the current populace of “Black” and “African-American” people who descend from Negro and Colored Americans in the United States. N’COBRA PHL’s vision is to see their peoplehood be defined and developed by them, for them. N’COBRA PHL believes true reparation supports their succession, sovereignty and self-determination as necessary to their peoplehood, and that reparations must include the allodial return of their seized and stolen land, redress from the capital of their seized and stolen property and assets, recompensing the value of their forced and coerced labor, and the repair of their peoplehood.
To their peoplehood and self-determination, N’COBRA PHL is focused on:
Restoring our L.I.F.E. | Liberty • Independence • Freedom • Empowerment
Restoring our systems nationally and internationally socially, economically, and politically
Revitalizing nature, natural organic systems, and the ecology of the environment.
Recompensing and resourcing our capital reserves and banks.
Reclaiming our ethnic nationalism, nationhood, and nationality.
Rebuilding our sanctity, sanctuary, statehood and sovereignty.
Returning our lives back to their continental consciousness.
Remembering the pantheon of our ancestors.
Rebuilding our nationhood in the image of our people.
Rehabilitating our people.

PHL Agenda Items
N’COBRA PHL understands that federal reparations will have its distinctions at the regional and local levels, and does the work of clarifying those distinctions for Greater Philadelphia and Greater Pennsylvania in the effort to establish the foundation for reparation at the local level. N’COBRA PHL brings lived experience, informed data, and robust study and research on the subject, with deference to Philadelphia, as its members understand the complex intersectionality of the redress group living in the commonwealth, and the issues affecting them that vary in nuance.
N’COBRA PHL calls for government officials and legal authorities to keep the Philadelphia community knowledgeable, educated, and informed. Its work in that effort is to create and support innovative government and policy transparency and systems that make news and information more accessible to the public. In that effort, N’COBRA PHL engages its community to participate in the political process to create consensus for policy needs. In order to accomplish these goals, N’COBRA PHL works with willing government officials and legal authorities to increase the access, awareness, and application of resources that individuals and institutions of the community need to thrive.
N’COBRA PHL understands that the Philadelphia legislature must:
Keep the community privy to information coming through the pipeline, helping create preparedness for the infrastructure of our community’s livelihood.
Protect and support the people’s constitutional rights, fighting for the people’s interests in spite of their own or the interest of their party as we become the true constituency.
Help to fortify local department stores and produce markets, provided that citizens have access to their needs during and beyond times of crisis.
Educate communities on how they can, will, or may be zoned or re-districted.
Develop a municipally administered telecommunication service that provides phone and internet service to citizens at a low cost premium.
Ensure that people’s municipal services are secure, such as:
Protecting air quality and clean water systems;
Public trash and recycling receptacles are not overflowing;
Support legislation that supports a healthy environmental ecology;
Academic and education needs are properly funded, serviced, and resourced;
Proper medical and medicinal treatment;
Adequate funding for local fire engines;
Law enforcement officers are properly trained, supervised, and disciplined.
This work lives at the helm of imaging an evolved form of social security for our community’s:
Equity, equality, and human ecology
Innovated and advanced architectural pedagogy for climate change adaptations
Public school educational and academic reform
Community policing and police reform
Cyber security, widespread telecommunications and internet fidelity
Improved policing systems and armed forces public relations
Hyper-local, domestic, and international diplomacy and peacekeeping
N’COBRA PHL believes that the legislature and community must rehabilitate, including exonerating and expunging the records pertaining to the subject hereof, those within this community who have been affected and effected by the epidemic of substance abuse, particularly the opioids heroin, cocaine and crack-cocaine, manufactured, managed and militarized through the United States’ “War on Drugs” to which enforced unequal and unjust racial and class based sentences thereafter;
We must also support the rehabilitation and exoneration of those affected in this community, including record expungement specifically in relation to the subject of imprisonment, for the commercial use and/or consumption of cannabis or “marijuana” with direct reparations apportioned to those now returning to society, including the expungement of their records;
We must finally rehabilitate the people and communities affected and effected by the alcoholism that liquor-lining, fortified by the red-lining of communities, that targeted their neighborhoods and:
Created high densities of liquor stores in neighborhoods with no deference to the proximity to schools, parks and recreational spaces in the communities;
Drove businesses including retailers and markets from those communities, decimating the local economy and creating local food deserts to which contributed to deepened poverty and degradation in those communities’ health and wellness;
Created high densities of liquor stores within close proximity to homes, disrupting the family unit and functionality as alcoholism, coupled with the “War on Drugs” is, in large, a chronological consequence of poverty and joblessness, to which liquor-lining, and red-lining, directly influenced.
N’COBRA PHL believes that protecting mother nature is our foremost priority. As children to this land and our ability to go green² and invest into renewable and clean energy developments support our effective protection of the environment and preserve our economies, N’COBRA PHL believes in the systems of solar, water, and wind energy; clean and sustainable systems of water capture and filtration; community composting, reimagined at the production and consumer levels; climate action living adjacent to environmental conservation, reforesting, animal protection, and whole environmental ecosystems of autochthony; and more. N’COBRA PHL works to develop scientific pedagogy rooted in natural and organic systems so that technology advances our natural and organic abilities as a supplement rather than a substitute or subtraction.
N’COBRA PHL sees this scientific pedagogy rooted in natural and organic systems:
Investing into real-estate for natural and mineral resources.
Supporting ecologists with volunteers, advocacy, manpower and resources.
Developing systems of equitable economics and environmental ecology = green².
Educating the community on effective ways to reduce, reuse, recycle, and compost.
Educating and informing the community in various ways to go green²
Connecting with and supporting environmental ecologists.
Supporting legislation that supports a healthy environment.
Redeveloping city recycling program that recycles, renews, and restores.
Promoting the development of innovative environmentally sustainable systems and new infrastructures to industrialize local food market development, which effectively means growing, wholesaling, distribution, and retailing.
Creating an architectural renaissance that prepares itself for global climate adaptations and evolution in real-time that develop new standards for what development looks like when rooted in environmental sustainability and efficacy.
Technologically regress for a greater understanding on how our socialization to technology has transformed our cerebral, biological, neurological, sociological, and ecological systems and organic functions, while becoming more environmentally friendly with the technology we already have.
Commissioning the study for equity, ecology, and economics to preserve and progress our ecospheres, natural resources, natural reserves, energy creation, and energy consumption to protect natural systems of ecology and the environment of people inhabiting communities; support innovative environmentally sustainable systems and new infrastructures to create and advance new equitable and innovative business practices that advance environmental ecology.
The N’COBRA PHL believes that ecologists and economists must work together to build and operate more accountable systems of business and trade that support environmental ecology and economic equity. N’COBRA PHL’s purpose in this area is to develop and implement the practice of an economic ecosystem that supports the natural and organic ecology of the environment responsible for the means of production at scale for hyper-local, regional, domestic and national ecologies. Supporting the means of production supports the ability to produce, and consume. N’COBRA PHL’s mission that vein is to sustain and progress mineral resources; advance sustainable product chain infrastructures; inspire clean manufacturing, wholesaling, distribution and retailing; support individuals in the acquisition of sustainable and adequate technology to consciously produce, trade or merchandise and consume; and advise the system of environmental ecology and economic equity.
Additionally, the mission of the N’COBRA PHL Economic Commission also is to
Educate communities on how they must be zoned for business and development;
Support the development of manufacturing hubs within its communities;
Support the acquisition of proper licensing and certifications for entrepreneurs to legal and legitimize their enterprises;
Strengthen the communication, cooperation, and collaboration between the community’s businesses and their customer, consumer, and community base;
Build community investment into product chain infrastructure and develop independent systems of hyper-local, domestic, and international manufacturing, wholesaling, distribution and retailing;
Build international relations in cultural and economic exchange and fairtrade programs;
Educate the community on ownership, real-estate, and the governance of land;
Encourage the community to participate in city planning, zoning, and business development.
N’COBRA PHL’s economic vision is coupled with it’s vision for the environment, and supports nature’s ability to provide renewable and clean produce, capital and energy to protect our environments which will preserve our economies. Examples of such systems are tangible through solar, wind, and hydro energy creation, water capture and filtration systems, community composting, and more. This includes…
Investing into real-estate for natural and mineral resources;
Supporting ecologists with volunteers, advocacy, manpower and resources;
Developing systems of equitable economics and environmental ecology = green²;
Educating the community on effective ways to reduce, reuse, recycle, and compost ;
Educating and informing community in various ways to go green(2);
Connecting with and support environmental ecologists;
Supporting legislation that supports a healthy environment;
Donating to community organizations within the reparation ecosystem;
Helping businesses buy locally throughout their manufacturing, distribution, wholesaling, and retailing processes;
Holding businesses accountable to recommend other community businesses to consumers in order to support their business community;
Hearing from consumers to learn how we can improve your business, and also discover where there are gaps in consumers’ ability to buy form their community;
Marketing, advertising and promoting their businesses and co-create initiatives with them that keep wealth circulating in their communities;
Promoting the development of innovative environmentally sustainable systems and new infrastructures to industrialize local food market development, which effectively means growing, wholesaling, distribution, and retailing;
Creating an architectural renaissance that prepares itself for global climate adaptations and evolutions in real-time; develop a new standard for what development looks like where sustainability is at the forefront of thought in how we see a developed world;
Developing a scientific and technological pedagogy rooted in natural and organic systems so that technology advances our natural and organic abilities, rather supplements, substitutes, and subtracts them in its ability to perform where we may not have too;
Commissioning a larger the for equity, ecology, and economics to preserve and progress our ecospheres, natural resources, natural reserves, energy creation, and energy consumption to protect natural systems of ecology and the environment of people inhabiting communities;
Supporting innovative environmentally sustainable systems and new infrastructures to create and advancing new equitable and innovative business practices that advance environmental ecology;
Advancing the business communities’ philanthropy and encouraging the evocation of innovative community sponsorship and philanthropy that accelerates this green² ecosystem;
Considering how development in these industries and sectors may grow and evolve…
N’COBRA PHL understands that artists and creatives who seek to have their contributions to society and civilization will bolster education, news and information, health and wellness, and sci-tech-eng-arch-math. N’COBRA PHL calls for new and innovative approaches to artistically and culturally supporting industries and sectors who will need the skilled labor of artists at professional scale (photography, videography, illustrations, colorful literature, physical fitness, and more) to fully express, communicate, enlighten, and brighten the greatest possibilities for the world.
N’COBRA PHL seeks to bridge the gaps between artists and creatives, and the blue and white color workforce in a way that keeps arts, culture, and creativity socially essential to advancing civilization academically, architecturally, agriculturally, ecologically, and more. N’COBRA PHL gauges the community to support cultural, historical, and heritage platforms, common-spaces, and mediums; develop virtual libraries; support local music, art, dance, and literature that keep record of history and heritage; inspire healthy culinary practices and eating.
N’COBRA PHL sees where the ability to connect online and telecommunicate is dominated by an autocracy of media corporations that limit the space and capacity to create, and believes that local content producers must be able to invest into radio, broadband, cable, streaming, etc. to increase capacity for hyper-local communities to diversify media access, communications, and opportunity. This effort works to help:
Build more independent networks and platforms for specialized ethnic, cultural, and heritage based enrichment and reporting;
Sustain impartial systems of gathering data, followed by the international dissemination of news throughout media channels for honest reporting and representation.
Develop a municipally administered telecommunication service that provides phone and internet service to citizens at a low cost premium.
Improve news and information sharing that improve the narrative of the diaspora
Support content creators as researches & reporters
Support local content producers by filtering and funneling content to and through our administrative channels.
Help to build more independent networks and platforms for specific ethnic cultural, traditional, and heritage enrichment; invest into broadband, cable, streaming, etc. and its capacities for hyper-local communities to diversify media access and opportunity.
Independently archive all efforts.
N’COBRA PHL works in this effort is to encourage the necessary connection and communion around the news and information coming from content producers within the community-network to support individual thinking and interdependence opposed to conformism and corporate media autocracy.
The N’COBRA PHL supports educators and academics looking to create new k-12 standards of education and an academic curriculum truly designed for the prosperity of children. The purpose is to empower our community and our reparatory justice system by bridging the gaps between families, educators, and industry professionals to create and support better educational and formal academic ecosystems. N’COBRA PHL believes sees our families, students and parents, independently lead their learning and see our academic institutions be led and governed by the collective work and responsibility of those families, educators, and those industry professionals.
N’COBRA PHL sees this effort ensuring that there will be policies to protect and project those values; develop protocols when those values are not being met; develop and pipeline to local and hyper-local extra-curricular activities for children; provide experience based learning opportunities with real world application in real time; include financial literacy, numeracy, banking, government, taxes, and environmental ecology apart of that learning; ensure history and heritage education to directly articulate the redress groups’ contributions to humanity; ensuring global studies for improved international relations with the world; provide mainstream and social media intelligence education; include mindfulness and healthy lifestyle practices to improve mental and physical health and spiritual well-being.
The N’COBRA PHL seeks to work with families, educators, and industry professionals to co-create those standards and that curriculum to:
Bring traditional elements of education into children’s lives beyond the classroom while innovating the academic experience overall to be culturally competent and effective in the 21st century;
Honor children’s ILPs: Individualized Learning Processes + Individual Life Plans;
Build experience based learning opportunities with real world, real-time application;
Pipeline extra-curricular activities that sponsor, mentor, guide, and develop students into young professionals in the real world in real-time;
Provide history and heritage education that directly articulates those children’s ancestors’ contributions to humanity and society;
Incorporate mindfulness and healthy lifestyle practices to improve mental and physical health and spiritual well-being;
Provide parents and caregivers with the tools they need to both understand and support their child’s learning styles at home and in school and connect families to additional programs, resources, services, and opportunities that grow their ability to live and lead healthier lives.;
Build a curriculum that can lend itself to software innovations for future gamification of education for the digitally evolving realm of academia and industry.
Some of those new standards of education and that academic curriculum includes the following:
Taxes, Money Management, Changing a Tire & Oil, Time Management, Nutrition, Government (Local to International), Ancient Civilizations, World History, News & Current Events, Old Events * History as well, Loans or how Credit score works, Debt & Banking, Credit & Financial Responsibility, Problem Solving and Communication, First AID, Fake News vs Real News, Learning Languages, Climate Change & Environmental Ecology, Life Insurance, Car Insurance, Retirement, Stocks & Bonds, Shares Equity, Teachers Testing, Evaluations, & Accountability, Conflict Resolution, Survival Skills, Coping with different Emotions, like Stress, Breathe & Meditation, Self Medication, Gardening & Farming (Agriculture)
“Preparation for Reparations” is our community organizing and action plan, to prepare our businesses and organizations, families and households to understand the nuances and complexities of reparations from a self-determined mindset! This is where service leaders and liaisons to educate and connect communities to the public, private, and philanthropic sectors to encourage and evoke innovative community sponsorship from our community leaders and community led institutions. N’COBRA PHL seeks to work in this effort is to encourage communities to support public efforts through altruism and charity; encourage foundations to support through donations and philanthropy; inform the community on various support services that exist for them; share news and information that supports healthier, safer, and stronger communities; learn from informed humanitarians on how to create stronger communities.
Our current budget size is a little under $10,000. Fortunately, N’COBRA PHL was able to build the infrastructure needed for the Philadelphia Reparations Task Force to become a reality, appoint seven different coordinators, and organize a successful town hall at a partnering university to onboard community members to become committee members on the task force.
We seek $75,000 for N’COBRA PHL co-chairs and leaders to continue organizing and leading the community at large, the newly developed Philadelphia Reparations Task Force and its committee members, and the ecosystem of Black led businesses and community organizations through:
Hosting community engagements at various community spaces via town halls, community meetings, and educational conferences; cover associated expenses of food, drink, rental space, and live streaming equipment.
(Through our experience, town halls can range anywhere from $200 to $1000 dollars depending on the size and location from organizing in university facilities to churches, barbershops and community centers. We will also need to include take home materials for guests and participants.)Support organizing and education campaign expenses, including canvassing, marketing materials, website management, and mass media promotions.
(While many of our volunteers are organization leaders, they will need to take time from their work schedules to engage community members during weekdays and weekends during the times they otherwise would be working. Also, our social media management and outreach will require sweat equity of content creators and the expertise of marketing specialists to reach, engage, and retain social media audiences.)Providing an honorarium for consultants, genealogists, social service providers, and reimburse community members as needed.
Participating in courses, conferences, convenings to build our knowledge, network, advocacy and community for reparations.
The after the initial support from #Case4Reparations, the budget that N’COBRA PHL has secured have come from donations and activities of Philadelphia’s rich quaker community and avid religious community, who have offered us the opportunity to lead workshops and panels with small stipends.
N’COBRA PHL seeks to have built international relationships through media and technology. This work is to motivate international business and commerce; inspire those to obtain more life experiences through arts & culture; improve foreign affairs through political advocacy and diplomacy; strengthen international relations through cultural and economic exchange and fair-trade; improve news and information sharing that improve the narrative of the diaspora; create historical and cultural experiences internationally that attract the diaspora into itself.